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How to resolve connecting issues on ROKU?

Are you searching HOW DO I CONNECT MY ROKU DEVICE ON ROKU.COM ? then your are one among thousands of peoples, if it is true then, you are in the right place for your problem

If you want to stream entertainment of your choice then Roku will be one of the best choice among others, connect the Roku device with TV and make sure that the cables will be HDMI, COMPOSITE . There will be two types of connection,

  • Wired and

  • Wired less

Based on device’s requirement connect it.

To activate Roku device it is necessary to link Roku activation link code in the Roku account which is displayed on the screen. It will be basically an unique alphanumeric four digit code. If you are done status will display on the screen this means you completed the activation process. After completing the activation process you just have to login by using your username and password. If you want to secure your account by intruders use a personal identification number (PIN), because this is a paid service someone may miss use it

If you got an error issue then try a few more times because there will be a possibility of

  • Typing error

  • System error or

  • Temporary network failure

If the issue continues then visit the help icon to regenerate the Roku activation code. Please wait for few minutes because it takes some time for the New Roku activation code to update itself in the roku com link account.

By restarting your device may also help you to link the Roku activation code. If Error 001 appears on the screen reply not connected to TV screen, the message box will be present at the upper right corner of the TV screen , this shows your Roku device is not connected to the internet.

If still the issues continuous then try resetting your Roku device. To reset GO TO SETTINGS OPTION > FACTORY RESET OPTION.

If you can’t connect the Roku device to internet then call our toll free number +1-844-965-4357.Roku customer help has a qualified technicians and customer friendly . they will guide your path and clear your issues in a ease.

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